Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rosalynn Carter, former U.S. First Lady, has endorsed "A Legacy of Madness"

Rosalynn Carter, former U.S. First Lady and chairperson of the Carter Center Mental Health Task Force, has endorsed my book, "A Legacy of Madness: Recovering My Family From Generations of Mental Illness."

Here is what Mrs. Carter said:

" 'A Legacy of Madness' breaks down the barriers of silence that shroud mental illnesses within families for generations. It also details the larger problem of stigma and the failures of a system ill-equipped to provide adequate treatment and support. By sharing the story of his family history and his own personal journey, Tom Davis provides hope and inspiration to others."

I served as a fellow for the Rosalynn Carter Mental Health Journalism program from 2004 to 2005. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Here is my work for the center:


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Neil Butterfield said...

Well done for writing this book and I am sure that you will have many sales.

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Hi, Tom Davis
Good Day!
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