Monday, May 23, 2011

A Legacy of Madness is now in the editing phase

Tom Davis's book, "A Legacy of Madness: Recovering My Family From Generations of Mental Illness," is now in the editing phase.

The website can be found here. Also, feel free to friend and follow the book on Twitter and Facebook.

The book, which will be released Sept. 1, 2011, is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Borders' websites for pre-order. Amazon describes the book thusly:

"Dorothy Winans 'Dede' Davis had worried, fussed, and obsessed for the last time. Her heart stopped beating in a fit of anxiety, soon after her wobbly legs gave way. In the wake of his mother's death, Tom Davis knew one thing: Helplessly self-absorbed and severely obsessive compulsive, Dede led a tormented life. She had moved from nursing home to mental institution in recent years, but what really caused her death?

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