Friday, February 8, 2008

Postpartum depression legislation is ready to move forward - finally

Supporters of legislation that will promote postpartum depression treatment are about to get their reward - and it's a Valentine's Day gift.

The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act will be marked up in the Senate H.E.L.P. committee on Feb. 14, which also happens to be Valentine's Day.

If all goes well, it could be passed by the committee on that day, supporters say. From there, it would go to the Senate and then return to the House of Representatives for final passage.

"As it originally passed by nearly unanimous bipartisan support in the House, we expect it would do so again," said Susan Dowd Stone, president of Postpartum Support International. "This is very encouraging progress."


Anonymous said...

While this is very good news it has to be put in the context of reality. NIMH which will fund this research has had budget increases of less than 0.3% annually for fiscal years 2007, 2008, and 2009 (proposed). It is also hard to forget that treatment - let alone the timely, evidence based, comprehensive care so frequently represented - is hard to obtain. State parity legislation doesn't cover the forty percent of workers who fall under ERISA, public mental health systems continually face an increasing demand for services while funding adjusted for medical inflation continues to decline, and just this week, SAMHSA's budget was cut.

We can hope that all things fall into place but while we know the who, what, and where, we still don't know the how.

johni said...

Depression means is tiredness, stress. Now a days every people get depressed easily. Why this is happen in our life. So many people are depressed why we don't know how to come out this problem. I can think this is we can come out with relaxation, or otherwise some outdoor games.
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